Unheated – Organic Honey

I would like to let you in on a few secrets dealing with honey. Most people just think of honey as being a “healthier” sweetener that contains components to help us build immunities to things like allergies (from pollens). While I don’t disagree with that mentality, there is more to selecting a quality source of honey than just grabbing the cheapest plastic container of honey off the shelf.

Gideon Spring Unheated Organic Honey is my choice!! Check it out HERE!

After learning about the processes that our typical commercial honey goes through before it gets to the shelf, I now understand why typical honey, is not the best choice of honey. What I mean by typical, is honey that is labeled Honey, Natural Honey, Raw Honey, Uncooked Honey, or really anything other than Unheated and Organic Honey.

You see, unless the honey is labeled Unheated, it has been heated to temperatures that deteriorate the beneficial nutrients in the honey. The natural beehive temperature is around 92.8 degrees Fahrenheit on a warm day. The bees fan the honey with their wings in order to keep the temperature stable. If the temperature of the honey would happen to get above 92.8 degrees for some unknown reason, the honey is usually abandoned, and only eaten by the bees in extreme situations.

Honey that is not unheated, can be heated up to 160 degrees Fahrenheit. This destroys valuable nutrients within the honey, so that the honey can be processed and manufactured more efficiently (faster processing = higher profits). When you consume heated honey, it is mostly turned into radical blood sugar inside of your body. This process elevates your blood sugar levels and is not beneficial if you are trying to live a healthy (insulin sensitive promoting) lifestyle! Eating heated honey also plays a role in actually depleting your body of essential vitamins, enzymes, and minerals that were destined to be utilized for breaking down fats, and proteins.

When you consume unheated honey (my choice HERE), 80-90% of the honey gets turned into beneficial enzymes. These enzymes are fully utilized by your body for the digestion of nutrients from the foods you eat. Unheated honey is an important promoter for a younger, healthier life, if consumed in combination with a low carb. diet, and healthy lifestyle. The majority of unheated honey is utilized by the body to digest nutrients from food, but the food you give your body needs to be valuable (consisting of raw organic veggies, wild/grass-fed unprocessed/uncured meats, and raw dairy) . If you are giving your body junky nutrients (processed foods, grains/flours, chemicals/pesticides, preserved meats, etc.) you will most likely never witness the detoxifying, nutrient enriching benefits of unheated honey!

Eating unheated honey can help improve impotency, indigestion, and liver function to name a few. Unheated honey is not the one and only magic potion though. A Wild and Primal lifestyle is the backbone to seeing the benefits of everything that I talk about in my blog posts, website, Facebook page, and Pinterest page. If a quality diet and lifestyle is not there, then including one or two of my tips into your daily regimen is probably not going to be of much value.

If you can start cutting out the bad, and adding in the good, even one step/week/month at a time, I can promise astonishing results will start appearing!

Unheated Organic Honey is more expensive than your typical, heated honey. I justify this by only using a small amount with each use. I use around 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of honey, mixed in with one of my favorite drinks Monday-Friday. One of these jars HERE, will last a month or so.

This drink includes: Raw milk, my own raw organic/free range eggs, unheated honey, 1 teaspoon of organic cold pressed coconut oil, and some organic cinnamon. Awesome detoxifying, nutrient rich drink!! If you’re interested, check out my post on the blender I use to quickly, and easily make this drink, or similar drinks HERE.

Published by David Baker-WildPrimalHealth

Through my stories on this blog, I hope to help people redefine health, fitness, and happiness with their bodies as I have. Since I have taken a more holistic and functional approach to eating food, enjoying fitness, and getting the physique that I've always wanted, I've never been happier. I hope that you can become inspired to take your health and happiness into your own hands by learning from my journey.

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